In 2006 coming out of a deep financial depression, I moved country and jumped onto a four-day mindfulness course.
This opened the door to seemingly limitless possibilities to which I wasn’t even aware I had access to.
Using simple and exciting techniques, I started to experience coincidences and miracles in my life. But on the other side, many things were still falling apart. I had more struggles with my health, family and business than ever before.
After many years of searching and fighting with the current I created unknowingly for myself, in 2016, I found my way to Peter Sage, which became a cornerstone event in my life.
Going through the EMF program changed the inner conflict I was so deeply lost in. My confidence and knowing how to live a thriving personal, family and business life is now on another level.
Experiencing the change in myself, I can now balance my life and my relationship with my family and business, knowing that sharing my knowledge and transformation has become my passion. - Istvan Ezsias
what emf graduates say
I began my journey with Peter Sage in 2021 during the lockdown in New Zealand, I came across his material whilst I was browsing the internet out of boredom. How lucky was I. I initially signed up for the Peer Group challenge, then went on to his book Inside Track, Ultimate Self Mastery then Elite Mentorship Forum programme, which is an amazing 6-month transformational journey. This program helped me to navigate my way through all the issues which kept arising with family, friends and people I came into contact with, growing my self-worth, believing in myself and allowing me to easily step into my authentic self, with an amazing peer group who fully support your growth.
The unique thing about this program is the peer group, the people you meet you become your extended family wherever they live in the world. I know that if I was travelling, and reached out to someone from this amazing group they would help. I was so impressed by the learning which so resonated with me and my beliefs that I chose to become an Elite Mentorship Trainer.
EMF (Elite Mentorship Forum) is a life changing program, you need to experience it to really understand its value. -Christene Loweth
I came across Peter Sage’s work mid 2021, his book 'The Inside Track' but particularly the Elite Membership Forum. What can I say about something that changed my life forever?
At that time my life, on the surface I seemed to be like anyone elses– on track. Deep down was a different story. My self-esteem and self-worth were at rock bottom. I questioned why I am here, should there be something better in life? I worked hard but felt like I was stuck going nowhere. My mind ran wild and never stopped driving me insane (LOL and my family). I was argumentative and always needed to have the last word. My anxiety levels were off the chart despite supposedly being an easy-going person. My relationships with friends and family were hard. After 6 years of the separation of my ex-husband, I and the family unit we had created I still felt angry, hurt and lost, not much further ahead in my grief.
Despite all I had tried to rise above, everything still felt like
'How Come everything always happened to me, when was it my turn to have good times?'
Roll on to now!
My transformation is profound. All of the above are no longer the same. I have a new life of acceptance, understanding, being empowered, and I’m on a journey which I LOVE and am excited to be on. Sure, there will be bends in the river as I learn lessons along the way. The difference, is NOW I have a toolbox of tools and an upgraded Peer group (actually family) to help me navigate life. I believed in this program so much I became an Elite Membership Trainer to help guide others on their journey of discovery and to strip away what had been holding them back.
If you have read this far... please contact Michelle and have a chat. It will be life changing! - Sue Parrot